Monday, December 30, 2019

The Lack of General Knowledge about Mental Illness

The Lack of General Knowledge about Mental Illness In our world today, we have a generally poor understanding of mental illness in two distinct ways: we don ´t understand the dangers that mental illness can present to people as they go about their everyday lives, and we don ´t understand how to properly care for people that suffer from mental illness. However, if we better understand when, why, and how mentally ill people can become violent, and if we can better understand how to identify and treat the illnesses these people suffer from, we can drastically improve the lives of many people. People should know more about what some mental ill people can actually do. Some of them might act deviant and break informal social rules. For example,†¦show more content†¦These kinds of guns have a low shot per time rate, which makes them less dangerous. However, in The United States of America it does not take long to acquire a gun. It looks like people here will never give up their right of owning a gun, but everyone should realize something has to change. It would be a good start to look at the health history and to make a psychological test to every single potential buyer of a firearm. Only people that pass the test would be able to purchase and possess a gun. As a result, the mental ill that cannot control themselves and are dangerous, would not have a gun. If this situation truly happened, there would be unethical people that would want to make some money and would sell the firearms to people who did not pass the test. Therefore, another law would have to be promulgated that would strictly sanction those unmoral people. In my opinion, it should also be mandatory for mental ill people to tell their employers or supervisors about their health situation; specially, if their job makes them responsible for the health or safety of other people, like a doctor or a bus driver. I am sure that none of the parents I know would want their children to be driven to school by a bus driver that hides a mental health problem from the families and their boss. The bus driver would be acting wrong in this situation if his problem decreases his driving capabilities, because it could cause the loss of many children.Show MoreRelatedIntroduction Of Ibm Spss Statistics 21 Essay1734 Words   |  7 Pagesstigma from Survey A to Survey B. Prior to the educational intervention, 60.7% of participants believed that someone with a mental disorder should be kept in a psychiatric or mental hospital, compared to 45% following the intervention. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Should Parents Be Responsible For Their Children Being Obese

Eating in America America is known as one of the unhealthiest, obese countries in the world. As a citizen of the United States I would have to agree. We are constantly eating out and super sizing are meals and losing all sense of what a healthy diet means and this has become a very big problem for young children and adults. Would everyone agree to this fact? I believe not. It has come down to convenience for some people to grab something to eat thru a drive thru restaurant instead of cooking a home cooked meal. People are stating that they are happy with whom they are and yet I feel passing on to their children their bad eating habits. Should parents be responsible for their children being obese? We need to teach our children better. Would one agree with the saying, â€Å"You are what you eat†? The way the majority of Americans eat is unhealthy, everywhere you look there is a fast food restaurant on every corner and the obesity rate in America is much higher than any other country. The percentages of American children and teens have doubled in the last decade. Two-thirds of adults in this country are either overweight or obese and at least 300,000 Americans die each year from obese related diseases such as diabetes, Heart disease, Cardiomyopathy, Respiratory disorders, Hypertension, and Sleep apnea. The United States food industry aggressively markets high-fat, high-sugar, super sized foods. We are advertising to drive are cars more than walking in today’s society. Schools areShow MoreRelatedChild Obesity Is A World s Problem1198 Words   |  5 Pagesit on the parents. Some people have also said that the child should be responsible for their own weight, and that they need to make their own choice. Others even maintain that the government should interfere. The reality is that child obesity is a world’s problem that is taking away years of life of young adults. This is a serious, complex problem that can affect someone’s life drastically. These children are not able to get involved in a sports club. It has been said that these children have a lowerRead MoreShould Parents Be Responsible For Obesity Of Their Children?1410 Words   |  6 PagesDilaida Jimenez Professor: Eva Gubalova English 162-62 September 12, 2013 Should Parents Be Responsible For Obesity of Their Children? Obesity is a problem that is growing increasingly in the children’s population in the United States. Statistics of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention claims that â€Å"obesity now affects 17% of all children and adolescent in the United States, triple the rate from just one generation ago†. The doctors say that this medical condition is easiest to detectRead MoreChild Obesity Is A World s Problem1211 Words   |  5 PagesIn discussion of child obesity, the parents have stated that fast food is the main contributor of this issue. On the other hand, there are tons of people who blame it on the parents. Some people have also said that the children should be responsible for their own weight, and that they need to make their own choices. Others even maintain that the government should interfere. The reality is that child obesity is a world’s problem that is taking away years of life of young adults. This is a seriousRead MoreThe Prevalence Of Overweight And Obese Children911 Words   |  4 PagesThe number of overweight and obese children is only increasing. It is important for children to eat adequate nutrients to ensure development, growth, and health (Brown et al., 2013). Children can become obese if they lack exercise, consume high fat and/or empty caloric foods, and watch their family eat or over eat unhealthy foods. Brown et al. (2013) implies adequate nutrition can improve a child’s academic performance in school, reduce tardiness and absences by decreasing the chances of a childRead MoreMcdonalds : A Favorite Toy Of My Girl1376 Words   |  6 PagesHello Kitty, My Little Pony, etc. The indoor playgrounds have the kids pleading with their parents to take them to McDonalds for Happy Meals. In a child’s eye what could be better? A tasty fried meal, playground time, and a toy! Should I worry so much about my children’s diet? Are these meals a potential threat to their overall health? Am I creating bad habits that will last a lifetime? All parents should be conscious of their children’s diet and the foods they consume. Processed foods loaded withRead MoreSocial Labeling And Stigmatizing Minority Children827 Words   |  4 Pagesbe obese than non-minorities, thus I do not want to provide an image of social labeling and stigmatizing minority children who are overweight. There are many factors that play in role in children being obese that must be taken into accounts. One of the factors, the income status of the parents and how it generally affects the child quality of life, living environment. For example, if the parents have a low yearly income it can factor in the child being obese in comparison to a child’s parent havingRead MoreChildhood Obesity : A Controversial Dilemma999 Words   |  4 Pagesdiscussion of Childhood obesity, one controversial predicament has been that, whether parents are being responsible enough, and are the ones to be blamed for their child’s health, and most important of all, their nutrition. In which they need to be held accountable for their decision making, towards their child’s healthy lifestyle. On the other hand, supporters, and those in favor of this specific idea, suggest that parents, and the newly parenting, has is it that, it must be mandatory that they must haveRead MoreObesity Among Children Are Lack Of Exercise And Bad Eating Habits Essay1521 Words   |  7 PagesAccording to the Centers for Disease Control, obesity among children has tripled in the past twenty years. Other causes for obesity in children are lack of exercise and bad eating habits. Americans need to stop blaming fast food companies and take their own responsibility for providing a healthy nutrition diet for children. Obesity is a very common disease in America that can one day lead to death. Parents need to help their children choose what is healthy for their body to consume. To help themRead MoreEnough Blame From The Fast Food Industry1195 Words   |  5 Pagesnutritional food businesses declining, there by leaving the fast food industry responsible to provide adequate nutrition for countless numbers of young American adults. As well as sympathizing with a group of children suing McDonalds for apparently making them â€Å"fat’. As an obese child, David recalls the limited options of nutritional food in and outside of his household. With what seems like no other options, children all over America are now turning to fast food as a means of quick, cheap, and anRead MoreChildhood Obesity : Parents Change Their Own Habits1252 Words   |  6 PagesChildhood obesity can only stop if parents change their own habits to promote a healthier lifestyle for their family. Parents don t realize it, but they influence children majorly. If a parent is accustom to eating fastfood and snacking multiple times between meals, drinking soda all the time it becomes regular routine for them. Their child will began to learn that same exact routine . Those â€Å"couch potato† parents will usually watch television all day and lack exercise. Children see those things and tend

Friday, December 13, 2019

Anthem Essay- Comparing It to the Bible Free Essays

Compare and Contrast of Adam and Eve and Equality 7-2521 In the novel Anthem, Equality 7-2521’s circumstance of rebellion create similarities and differences to the story of Adam and Eve in the Bible. Adam and Eve’s sin can be compared to Equality 7-2521’s sins. Adam and Eve break one and only rule in the Garden of Eden by eating the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We will write a custom essay sample on Anthem Essay- Comparing It to the Bible or any similar topic only for you Order Now God gives Adam and Eve a permission to eat any fruit in the Garden of Eden except for the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. A serpent tempts Eve to eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and she gives some to Adam who was with her. Equality 7-2521 breaks many laws in his dystopian society where it is a sin to â€Å"be alone, ever and at any time, for this is the great transgression and the root of all evil† (Rand 17). He had the courage to seek and find knowledge from the Unmentionable Times, and to love the woman of his choice. Adam and Eve and Equality 7-2521 are aware of what will happen next, but they still fall into temptation and are condemned from their societies. Expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden and the story of Equality 7-2521 are similar by falling into temptation, yet knowing that it is wrong. Adam and Eve’s reaction toward their sin can be contrasted by Equality 7-2521’s reaction. Adam and Eve break their one and only rule by eating the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. â€Å"Then the eyes of [Adam and Eve] opened, and they knew that they were naked† (ESV Bible, Genesis 3:7). They made themselves loincloths from sewing fig leaves together and hid themselves from the presence of God among the trees. They were afraid of God, and they were ashamed of themselves. Equality 7-2521 is not ashamed of what he did, nor did he fear anything. Equality7-2521 â€Å"only [wishes] to be away, away from the City and from the air that touches upon the air of the city† (76). He runs away to the Uncharted Forest after his disastrous event at the World Council of Scholars knowing that there â€Å"is no road back for [him], and no redemption† (76). As his journey go deeper into the Uncharted Forest, he is both physically and spiritually walking away from collectivism and the city. Instead of being afraid and ashamed of his sin, like Adam and Eve, Equality 7-2521 does not understand the people in his society and runs away to the Uncharted Forest. While Adam and Eve are forced out from the Garden of Eden, Equality 7-2521 runs away from his society hoping to seek freedom. Expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden and the story of Equality 7-2521 are different by their reactions toward their sins. Adam and Eve and Equality 7-2521 wants something new, something different that will make their lives better. They risk all the circumstances that will come to them after the great sins they make. Adam and Eve fall into temptation by a serpent because they want to be as good or be better than God, their creator. Equality 7-2521 risk many days to seek and find knowledge which was not allowed. Every mankind desire to have something better than what they have, sometimes risking things knowing what circumstances are following. Every mankind is thrown with certain circumstances in their life to learn from them. How to cite Anthem Essay- Comparing It to the Bible, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Cosmetic marketing free essay sample

The cosmetic and beauty industry is a competitive market with four classifications. Prestige counts as the department stores and specialty stores in which beauty products are sold. The Bay, Macy’s, Sephora and MAC fall under the prestige classification. Mass merchandisers are classified as broad. This could be Costco and Sam’s Club. Avon and Mary Kay are classified as alternate and involve direct sales. The final classification is specialty. The Body Shop and Bath and Body Works fall into this category as well as specific products/product lines sold at spas and salons. The industry made nearly $35 billion in 2010. The industry experienced a yearly growth of about 4% from the four years before. The growth of the market is expected to stay around the same until the year 2015. It is estimated that the value will grow to $42 billion. External Influences on the Market Economic Trends The obvious ongoing recession has led to many consumers trading down on some products and as a result they become accustomed to buying lower-priced products (Lennard, 2011). We will write a custom essay sample on Cosmetic marketing or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page While drug store brands might not offer consumers  the same benefits that high-end brands like M.A.C. can, they cost much less. High-end products can really take a bite out of your budget which can deter consumers from spending their money on our brand. With a poor economy such as this one, people are finding ways to save their money. The reality is that drugstore brands do offer some great products and so there is an industry concern that consumer might continue these habits as financial pressures ease up in the future (Carrillo, 2007). However, the market for cosmetics has fared better than other industries because consumers view these products as affordable luxuries. People are competing in a tough employment market and as a result they need to look their best to convey confidence in an image-conscious society (Carrillo, 2007). Many high -end brands take advantage of this opportunity as their products are often promoted by professional men and women. 1 Demographic Trends The use of cosmetics has become more commonplace among men in today’s society. Although women continue to outnumber men, the male population is expected to grow at a somewhat faster rate (Denise Smith, 26 J). This can be used to our advantage as it would provide us with an opportunity to increase penetration of cosmetics and fragrances among the growing male consumer base. An increasing population will also benefit the cosmetics industry (Denise Smith, 26 J). While an ageing population could prove to be unfavourable, teenagers and young adults are the most avid users of cosmetics and fragrances. This generation is also very brand-conscious, often with the disposable income and a pride in appearance making them more likely to pay more for premium-priced products that promise additional benefits. Social Trends Social trends change with time but it is important to keep up with these trends. Knowing what’s going on in the industry and in the market helps brands so that profit can be maximized. Now more than ever, there is a lot of money to be made in the cosmetics industry. Consumers are constantly searching for new products and to keep up with demand, companies are regularly introducing new products in the market. These products offer older women a chance to look younger while promising glamour to younger women (Lennard, 2011). Magazines have huge beauty sections because advertisers pay a lot of money for glossy ads about numerous products. So while it cost’s companies little money to produce items, women and girls will are ready to pay huge amounts of cash to buy it. Today, beauty goes hand in hand with youth so many women look for products that will reduce their aged appearance. Looking old is undesirable in today’s society (Lennard, 2011) . As a result, many companies in this industry offer products that reduce wrinkles, facial lines and spots. These are represented as occurrences that need to be treated as soon as possible. Celebrities are used by many cosmetic companies to promote products because it gives their brand a lot of exposure. While many celebrities might not actually use these products, consumers truly believe these products will make them look as attractive as women seen in movies and on TV. Media has a growing influence over what is portrayed as beautiful in today’s society (Pitman, 2011).